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Student midwifery - there for the journey

Home: Welcome

Hi, I'm Kate - a student midwife

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and how I can help you as a student midwife during your pregnancy, labour, birth, and postpartum period. 

In order to become a registered midwife, all student midwives in Australia are required to follow a certain number of women through their pregnancies and births. This is called a Continuity of Care Experience (CCE). By joining you on your pregnancy journey I'm learning by observing your health care providers, and by providing support to you (within my scope of practice). 

Just like with any birth workers, having the 'right fit' between a woman and a student midwife is essential. If you think you'd like a student midwife along for your journey, I'd love to start out by having a chat with you over the phone so you can decide how I fit into your birth team.


Home: About Me

“Birth isn’t something we suffer, but something we actively do and exult in.”
 - Sheila Kitzinger

Home: Quote
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